Response2covid19 tracks governments’ responses to COVID-19 all around the world since January 2020. It covers 20 measures – 13 public health measures and 7 economic measures – taken by more than 220 governments. The tracking of the measures allows creating an index of the rigidity of public health measures and an index of economic response to the pandemic. The objective of the dataset is both to inform citizens and to help researchers and governments in fighting the pandemic.
A detailed methodology can be found on the GitHub of the project. The methodology is based on manual coding from various sources including the Assessment Capacities Project (ACAPS), the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). For public health measures, three scales of implementation are considered: no measures, partial or regional, strict or national. For economic measures, the coding is binary: implemented / not implemented.
Measures covered
Public health measures are masks mandates, schools closures, domestic lockdowns, curfews, international travel bans, domestic travel bans, bans on mass gatherings, cancellation of sporting and large events, elections postponing, restaurants closures, public testing policies, enhanced surveillance via mobile apps or bracelets, and the declaration of the state of emergency. Economic measures are direct cash transfers, wage support, credit schemes, tax cuts, tax delays, support to exporters or importers, and interest rate cuts from the Central Bank. Computation of overall indices: The data from the 20 indicators is aggregated to build to different indices taking values between 0 (no intervention) and 1 (all interventions are strict): - An index of the rigidity of public health measures: it is the average of the thirteen public health measures. The index is computed if there are at least 10 out of the 13 measures coded; - An index of economic intervention: it is the average of the seven economic measures. The index is computed if there is information on at least 5 of the 7 economic measures.
Page designed by Wedodata, header photo by Max Bender via Unsplash
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The Response2covid19 dataset aims at rigorously tracking and comparing governments’ responses to face the COVID-19 pandemic. The team of researchers led by Simon Porcher collects information on the implementation and scale of 20 policy responses, and aggregates them to create two global indexes of governments’ interventions.
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Since the begining of the pandemic, what have been the health and economic responses over the world?
The plots below summarize to which extent different government policies have been implemented all around the world since January 1, 2020. The Rigidity of Public Health index aggregates public health measures. The Economic Intervention index summarizes economic measures. For more info, see this page.
downloaded on 8th February 2025
Health measures
Economic measures
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Rigidity of public health
responses index...
and the measures
that compose it
Economic measures
and the measures that compose it
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How rigid are the health measures in your country?
The heatmap below summarizes the Rigidity of Public Health responses to COVID-19 since January 2020. The various measures can be partially implemented (or targeted or localized) or strictly implemented (or global).
No data
No Responses
Strong Responses
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How are implemented economic measures in your country?
The heatmap below summarizes the intensity of Economic Interventions to face COVID-19 since January 2020.
No data
No Responses
Strong Responses
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